Kai Ziegner, «A History of Violence»
Aslan Goisum, «Realms of Memory and Sources of Resistance»
Laupäev, 22. veebruar 2020, EKA ruum A501
9.30–10.15 Peaettekanne: Giedrė Jankevičiūtė, «Reconstruction of Contested History: Vilnius, 1939-1949», sisse juhatab Margaret Tali
10.15–11.45 Sessioon 4: «The Unspeakable and Agency», juhatab Eneken Laanes, Tallinna ülikool
Katrina Black, «Absence as Form: Spaces of Articulation in the Work of Chantal Akerman»
Kati Roover, «Project Red»
Jaana Kokko, «Oral History and Moving Image»
12.15–13.45. Sessioon 5: «Patterns of Muting and Silencing», juhatab Siobhan Kattago, Tartu ülikool
Franziska Link, «Brawling Silences. Rereading Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s Écrits Maudits»
Mischa Twitchin, «Refracting Implication: the Uses of Silence»
Jan Matonoha, «Dispositives of Silence: Injurious Attachments and Discursive Emergence of Silencing. «Missing» Gender in Czech Dissent Samizdat and Exile Literature»
14.45–16.15 Sessioon 6: «Breaking Silences and Challenges to Changing Discourses», juhatab Ilya Lensky, Läti Juudi muuseumi direktor
Shelley Hornstein, «Architecture’s Dirty Little Secrets»
Ieva Astahovska, «On Collaborations, Silences and Lustration»
Maayan Raveh, «The Implication of Silence – the Promised Land in Palestinian Christian Theology»
16.45–18.15 Sessioon 7: «There and Not There – Ways of Giving Voice to the Past», juhatab Pille Runnel, ERMi teadusdirektor
Elina Niiranen, «Finnish Linguist Pertti Virtaranta and Silenced Identity of Karelians in the 1960’s Soviet Karelia»
Paulina Pukytė, «Repetition of Silence»
Elisabeth Kovtiak, «(Non-)sites of Memory of the Holocaust in Belarus: Cases of Minsk and Brest”
18.15–18.45 Sümpoosioni kokkuvõttev paneelvestlus